Wednesday, July 31, 2019

1980 African American Education Essay

*In 1988, the enrollment of black men declined, while it increased for women. There were 179,000 black women in college, then black men. Percentage of highs school graduates going to college 1960-1970: Males exceeded women 1980’s: women overtake men and never lost the lead Popular concentration in education in the 1980’s 1981: business and management were the most popular of all black bachelor’s degree recipients. 13,325 blacks earned a bachelor’s degree in business and management (40% earned in historically black colleges). See more: Old Age Problem essay The Black and White Gap â€Å"The average scores of black students have remained well below those of whites, and at age 17, the reading achievement of black students was lower last year than it was in 1988Ââ€"a depressing reversal of the gains made over the previous two decades,† Michael T. Nettles, the vice chairman of the National Assessment Governing Board, said at a press conference held here late last month to release the results. The independent panel oversees National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). In just about every age group and in every subject, the test-score gap between white and African-American students has grown since 1986, reversing a trend in which the discrepancies decreased from the time the exams were first given in 1969, 1971, and 1973. Since the mid-1980s, gaps in several subjects and age groups have grown by statistically significant amounts. Resegregation occurring again â€Å"Studies finds the causes for resegregation stemming from a number of social and political factors: a series of court rulings beginning in the late 1980s that reversed many of the desegregation orders, the growing isolation of whites in suburban schools, and the increasing segregation of blacks and Hispanics in suburban schools.† Study suggest that students do better with same race teachers. Both black and white children score higher on mathematics and reading tests when their teachers are the same race as they are, a study of 6,000 Tennessee schoolchildren suggests. 1980 African American Education Essay Percentage of highs school graduates going to college 1960-1970: Males exceeded women 1980’s: women overtake men and never lost the lead Popular concentration in education in the 1980’s 1981: business and management were the most popular of all black bachelor’s degree recipients. 13,325 blacks earned a bachelor’s degree in business and management (40% earned in historically black colleges). The Black and White Gap â€Å"The average scores of black students have remained well below those of whites, and at age 17, the reading achievement of black students was lower last year than it was in 1988Ââ€"a depressing reversal of the gains made over the previous two decades,† Michael T. Nettles, the vice chairman of the National Assessment Governing Board, said at a press conference held here late last month to release the results. The independent panel oversees National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). See more:  Unemployment – problems and solutions essay   In just about every age group and in every subject, the test-score gap between white and African-American students has grown since 1986, reversing a trend in which the discrepancies decreased from the time the exams were first given in 1969, 1971, and 1973. Since the mid-1980s, gaps in several subjects and age groups have grown by statistically significant amounts. Resegregation occurring again. â€Å"Studies finds the causes for resegregation stemming from a number of social and political factors: a series of court rulings beginning in the late 1980s that reversed many of the desegregation orders, the growing isolation of whites in suburban schools, and the increasing segregation of blacks and Hispanics in suburban schools.† Study suggest that students do better with same race teachers. Both black and white children score higher on mathematics and reading tests when their teachers are the same race as they are, a study of 6,000 Tennessee schoolchildren suggests.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Ada Lovelace Essay

Ada Lovelace was born in 1815, and died in 1852 from cancer. Ada Lovelace was the daughter of a famous poet Lord Byron and Anabella Millbank, who also enjoyed math. Ada’s parents were divorced right after she was born and was never able to meet her estrange father. However, her father corresponded with her mother on her upbringing. Anabella Millbank, Ada’s mother, did not want her daughter to be a poet like her father and did everything possible, pushed Ada night and day, to learn mathematics. Even though Ada’s fond interests were elsewhere, her mother diminished those interests until Ada grew a fondness of math, by no choice of her own. At an early age Ada met with Charles Babbage in London, and with that Ada first learned of the Difference Engine. This is when Ada Lovelace’s eyes grew with enormous content, interest, and enthusiasm of the invention, which was later known as the Analytical Engine. In her twenties, Ada married her husband (several years her age) Earl William King and soon after, she bore three children. After having her children she became engrossed and focused on the formulation of the Analytical Engine, which took several years of extensive work, which she loved. Ada composed a â€Å"plan for how the engine might calculate Bernoulli numbers. This plan is now regarded as the first â€Å"computer program† (Larry Riddle, p. 1). Ada became ill and was diagnosed with cancer of the uterus and died at an early age, like her father, right after her accomplishments. Ada’s achievement was shown in her â€Å"notes† on Charles Babbage’s Analytical Engine, which was finally acknowledged and â€Å"became reality in the 20th century computers which earned her a place in the history of mathematics and computer science† (Britannica Concise Encyclopedia, p. 6).

Monday, July 29, 2019

Bris Milah (Circumcision)

Bris Milah (Circumcision) Essay The Covenant of CircumcisionAnd G-d said unto Avroham: And as for you, you shall keep Mycovenant, you, and your seed after you throughout their generations. This is My covenant, which you shall keep, between Me and you andyour seed after you: every male among you shall be circumcised. Andyou shall be circumcised in the flesh of your foreskin; and it shall be atoken of a covenant between Me and you. And he that is eight days oldshall be circumcised among you, every male throughout yourgenerations, he that is born in the house, or bought with money of anyforeigner, that is not of your seedand My covenant shall be in yourflesh for an everlasting covenant. And the uncircumcised male who isnot circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin, that soul shall be cut offfrom his people; he has broken My covenant. Genesis 17:9-14Within the Jewish community, the topic of bris milah, ritualcircumcision, has never been more controversial. Many liberal Jews are nowrethinking its function in Jewish life, some even choosing not to perform it ontheir sons. They argue that circumcision is no longer of value now that thespread of infection can be halted by good hygiene and modern medicine. Some fear that the removal of the healthy part of an organ is a purelyarbitrary act which may cause permanent psychological and physicaldamage. It is true that circumcision alone is neither medically necessary noremotionally beneficial. Still, the bris milah is an essential ceremonyintended to formally usher the Jewish male into a covenant with G-d. Although the removal of the foreskin has been practiced by Jews sinceAvroham, the actual ceremony as it is today developed some time around themiddle-ages. Thus, communities in North Africa, Europe, and the Middle-Eastall evolved unique customs for welcoming new baby boys . There are stillcertain elements that are typical of all ceremonies. The following descriptionof a German bris is typical of the milah ritual and lacks many of the detailsthat would distinguish it from ceremonies originating in other regions. The mohel, ritual circumcisor, calls in the kvater (from German forfather, or G-dfather), the man who delivers the baby into the sanctuary. The mother, who will not witness the ceremony, hands her eight-day-old soninto the care of his grandmothers who pass him over to the kvater. Thekvater carries the baby into the next room and lays him into a beautiful chairwhich the mohel will declare as the Throne of Elijah before reciting a fewbiblical verses. The kvterin, G-dmother, lifts the baby from the Throne ofElijah and places him into the lap of the Sandak, the man (usually the father,grandfather, close friend, or well respected Torah scholar) in whose lap theceremony will take place. The mohel asks the fathers permission to act asproxy for the mitzvah, commandment, of circumcision. The fatherrelinquishes his right to perform the circumcision and appoints the mohel,who is more familiar with the religious law as well as the medical andhygienic requirements of circumcision, to do the mitzv ah instead. The mohelrecites the benediction, Blessed are You haShem our G-d, Master of theuniverse who sanctifies us with the mitzvot and commands us to performcircumcision, before removing the babys foreskin. When the actual cuttinghas been complete, the father also makes a benediction: Blessed are YouhaShem our G-d, Master of the universe who has sanctified us with Hiscommandments and has commanded us to bring him the baby into thecovenant of Avroham, our Father. Everyone in the audience then declares,Just as he has been brought into the covenant, so too he should enter Torahstudy, the wedding canopy, and the doing of good deeds (Klein 426). It isduring this ceremony that the boys name is publicly announced for the firsttime (Robinson132). Bris Milah literally means covenant circumcision. Ashkenazic,Northern- and Eastern-European Jewish, communities refer to the entireceremony as a Bris which means simply the covenant. Rabbi MosheSchapiro emphasizes that the circumcision must be coupled with theintention to forge a blood pact between G-d and the Jewish people. Thatbris milah is frequently translated only as circumcision is unfortunatebecause it leads people to believe that the removal of the foreskin is themost important element of the mitzvah. This is in conflict with Jewishthinking. Indeed, someone who is circumcised without the intent of fulfillingthis specific commandment must undergo a subsequent, relatively painless,procedure in which a drop of blood is drawn from the reproductive organ inthe name of the bris. This procedure is most commonly performed on maleconverts to Judaism who underwent medical circumcisions as children. The commandment is often seen as barbaric in the modern day. AsRabbi Shraga Simmons points out, there is no logical argument for cuttinga piece of flesh off a helpless baby. Three years ago Israeli courts heldhearings to discuss the famous case number 5780/98 which would outlawcircumcision as a form of genital mutilation. Indeed, to remove a healthypart of an organ is ridiculous in a secular context, and yet it has beenpracticed on Jewish males for nearly 4,000 years. The great question is why. One must first realize that Judaism is not a practical guide to livingbut a theological guide to spirituality. Many people have claimed over theyears that circumcision was practiced by the Jews for hygienic reasonshowever, this explanation is foreign to Jewish thinking and is absent from theearliest commentaries and oral laws of torah. The Jews were never regardedas healthier than their non-Jewish, uncircumcised neighbors. They did notperform milah on their sons because they hoped to prevent i nfection, butbecause they felt that it was a religious obligation. The Jews do not conformto religious obligations because they believe it is physically healthy to do so(if there are any medical benefits, these are considered secondary) butbecause they believe it is spiritually healthy to do so. To disobey the Laws ofhaShem, G-d, is looked upon as spiritual mutilation. According to Jewish mysticism, or kabbalah, the foreskin symbolizes abarrier which prevents growth (Simmons). Deuteronomy 10:16 calls uponus to remove the foreskin of our hearts. Orlah, the Hebrew termtranslated as foreskin literally means barrier. The foreskin is seen as abarrier to the spiritual growth of the uncircumcised individual. In anotherkabbalistic example, we are taught that when Avram circumcised himself, atage 99, G-d changed his name to Avroham. He added only one letter to hisname: heh. The letter heh is found twice in one of the most holy ofhaShems names signifying that through the bris milah a dimensio n ofspirituality is brought to the physical body. So, why on the eighth day?The answer is twofold. Schapiro believes that the number eight has aspecial metaphysical significance. He notes that the number six alludes tothe physical world: there are six directions (north, south, east, west, up anddown); there are six days to the work week, and according to the Chumashthere were six days of creation. The number seven, he adds brings a senseof spirituality to this physical world: the seventh day of the week, Shabbos, isa Jewish holy day, and many Jewish festivals, including Sukkos last for sevendays. The number eight however, transcends the physical altogether. Forexample, the festival of Chanukah, which commemorates a great miraclelasts eight days. READ: The True Tragic Hero in Antigone EssayThe second reason is one that might be considered a practical benefitwhich is supported by medical data. According to Simmons, prothrombin andvitamin K, two blood clotting agents, are at peak levels on the eighth day oflife. Prothrombin levels are normal at birth but drop dramatically during thenext few days. However, at the end of the first week, levels of prothrombinreturn to normal and are often at 110 percent of normal before stabilizing bythe ninth or tenth day. Still, the most logical reason to perform a ritualcircumcision is, in the religious context, simply to act as the sign of thecovenant G-d made with Avroham because this is the reason that we aretaught through Torah. Aside from the de-emphasis of physical matters involved in theprocedure, traditional Jews avoid reference to health benefits because, forthe most part, medicine doesnt appear to be on our side (Fink). WriterMordechai Housman insists that there has never been a re ported case ofhealth danger to a child circumcised by an Orthodox mohel, but mother, LisaBraver Moss claims that there are two known bris milah related deaths inmodern times: one in 1957 and another in 1978. Moss admits that nosystematic data on deaths or serious complications from bris milah have everbeen compiled but believes this may be due to the fact that circumcisiondeath can occur from secondary causes such as liver failure, pneumonia, andblood poisoning which health professionals may fail to link to theiroriginal cause. Nonfatal complications are equally unlikely to be associatedwith circumcision. Although the majority of modern Jews argue that the rite is harmless,historically Jews were not so certain of the safety of the procedure. Talmudiclaw exempts a Jewish male from infant circumcision if two of his olderbrothers lost their lives to the ritual. Though, as the Orthodox will argue, thiscase was hypothetical and not based on an actual incident, there are still twoBiblical examples of a parents failure to perform milah on his son due toconcerns over his health. Exodus 4: 24-26 relates the story of thecircumcision of Eliezar son of Moses. The Bibles rendering of the story isshort, cryptic and confusing: It was on the way, in the lodging, that haShem encountered him andsought to kill him. So Tzipporah took a sharp stone and cut off theforeskin of her son and touched it to his feet; and she said, Youcaused my bridegrooms bloodshed! So He released him; then shesaid, A bridegrooms bloodshed was because of circumcision.The great Torah commentator Rabbi Schlomo Yitzach (Rashi), say sthat Mosess great sin was in delaying the milah of his son. Moses felt thatthe trip he was about to embark upon would be dangerous for the newbornwho, he felt, should be allowed three days to recuperate after circumcisionbefore he embarked upon his journey (Shmos 24). In an earlier example,Midrash tells us that Yitzach did not circumcise his son Esav because hefeared for his health. Esav, unlike his twin Yaakov, was born with bright redskin. Yitzach worried that this was due to illness and that to perform milahon him would be dangerous. Esav was given a second opportunity for brismilah when he became bar mitzvah (the age of majority) but he refused it(Beraishis 140). These biblical examples provide us with some vital information aboutthe importance of bris milah. On the surface we can see quiet clearly thatthe conservatives are wrong: circumcision is potentially dangerous, andTorah recognizes this. More importantly though, we learn how vitallynecessary bris milah is to the Jews. Moses almost lost his life because hedelayed his sons circumcision too long. And Esav lost his status as a Jewishpatriarch because he refused to let anyone perform milah on him even afterit was clearly a safe endeavor. The ramifications of spiritual disobedience aresignificant. And just as the punishment for neglecting the mitzvah is severe,so the merit for properly attending to it is tremendous. READ: The Life Story of Nikita Khrushchev EssayThe devotion of the Jewish people to the rite of milah even duringtimes of difficulty is a testimony to its importance in Jewish life. When milahwas outlawed by the Greeks during the era of the Maccabean leadership,many Jewish mothers risked their lives to circumcise their sons. Even in themodern era Jews have undergone heroic acts for the preservation of themitzvah. Holocaust survivor Aviel Binyomin Colquette remembers thefollowing story:They were rounding up the young children and mothers and they putus onto a train car. There was one womanshe did not cover herhairwho looked particularly distressed. She asked all of thepassengers in our car for a knife. But we were all women and children. No knives. She then started to look around for any sharp object. Shewanted a shard of glass, or a sharp rockanything you might cut with. The other passengers tried to dissuade her. They scolded her for herweakness and begged her not to kill herself . Finally a soldier camethrough and she saw the outline of a knife in his pocket. Shedemanded he hand it over to her. In shock he complied. Then, to ourastonishment, she pulled from her bag a small infant boy. She saidthe blessings and performed the milah on him. She handed her childover to the officer and spoke to G-d, You gave me a healthy boy andnow I return him to You in purity and obedience to Torah.Similarly, many Jews in the Former Soviet Union (FSU) were notcircumcised due to secular laws and a general lack of interest in religiouspractice. However, the desire for bris milah was never completely eradicatedand when Western Jews were finally allowed to enter the FSU they weregreeted by large numbers of adult males who wished to undergo bris milah. Mohel Alexander Fink recalled his surprise at the large number of Jews whocame to see him at his arrival in the Ukraine:I was sure theyd all come to see the rabbi. Theyd heard his tapesbefore we came and had seemed really impressed. There were somany of them. From age eleven to eighty. At least a hundred men. And they were there to see me! I couldnt believe theyd be so excitedabout milah. More interested in receiving milah than in seeing therabbi. They wanted to be circumcised more than they wanted to belearned. The idea of a covenant is a rather difficult concept for the outsider tocomprehend. The relationship between the Jews and haShem, their G-d, isunderstood as a straightforward contract, I will be your G-d, and you will beMy people. The Jews will obey haShem and He will see that their needs aremet. The milah is the most visible sign of the covenant as it is inscribed on apersons body and serves as a daily reminder to the Jewish male of his statusas a servant of haShem and mankind. Until very recently, even the most liberal Jews felt that circumcisionthough not necessarily the briswas essential to Jewish practice. The status of an uncircumcised male in Jewish culture wasundefined. He was in a strange state of being both Jewish and non-Jewish. A Jew trapped in a non-Jewish body. A bizarre spiritual circumstance thatcould not be redeemed until the man took matters into his own hands andunderwent a circumcision. Indeed, Yeshiva student Joshua Konig, suggeststhat the gates of heaven will no t open up for an uncircumcised Jewish male. A Jews obligation is to serve HaShem and observe the Torah his entire life,even under the most desperate circumstances (Scheinbaum 204). Works CitedColquette, Aviel Binyomin. Personal interview. 18 Nov. 2001. Fink, Alexander. Personal Interview. 10 Oct. 2001. Housman, Mordechai. Circumcision and Your Childs Health. 5 Nov. 2001. . Klein, Isaac. A Guide to Jewish Religious Practice. New York: The Jewish TheologicalSemianry of America, 1979. Konig, Joshua. Personal interview. 28 Nov. 2001. Moss, Lisa Braver.Circumcision: A Jewish Inquiry. Midstream magazine. 5 Nov. 2001. . Robinson, George. Essential Judaism: A Complete Guide to the Beliefes, Customs, andRituals. Ch. 3. New York: Pocket Books, 2000. Schapiro, Rabbi Moshe. What is Circumcision? Aish HaTorah. 15 Oct. 2001. . Scheinbaum, Rabbi A. Leib. Peninim On The Torah. Cleveland, Ohio: KisveiPublications, 2000. Simmons, Rabbi Shraga. Bris Milah: Beautiful or Barbaric? Aish HaTorah. 15 Oct. 2001. . Weissman, Rabbi Moshe. The Little Midrash Says: The Book of Beraishis. Brooklyn, New York: Bnay Yaakov Publications, 1986. Weissman, Rabbi Moshe. The Little Midrash Says: The Book of Shmos. Brooklyn, New York: Bnay Yaakov Publications, 1987.Words/ Pages : 2,623 / 24

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Denial of Service Attacks (DoSs) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Denial of Service Attacks (DoSs) - Essay Example In this scenario, this extra data is used to corrupt and overwrite the available memory. As a result it allows an attacker to put in random actions on the web server or destroy the system completely. It is commonly seen that the majority of web applications fails to effectively avoid the actions inserted or performed by random code into the system which can only be performed with the administrator rights of the operating system. For instance, an attacker can insert an executable instruction like that , inside a legal web site form below the appearance of an HTTP (hypertext transfer protocol) request in an attempt to get access to that particular web server. However, if an attacker gets a success in deceiving security configuration, he/she can be able to get access to the /etc/passwd file as well as can get all files and, in the end, the usernames and passwords which are stored on the web server (Kennedy, 2005). In order to mitigate these security attacks, organizations can take follo wing initiatives: First of all, an organization needs to recognize buffer overflows by putting huge values into header, form inputs, and cookie fields. They must implement effective techniques to stop illegal users from inserting unauthenticated code. They must authenticate the input field length. Cross-site Scripting (XSS) In this kind of attack a web application works as a source of help for launching an attack to an end user's browser by making use of the web browser of other web users who visit the page. In this scenario, an attacker develops and launches a web site that takes benefit of a cross-site scripting defect and a simple user can view this attacker’s web site such as by clicking on a link mentioned in an e-mail received from a friend and the attacker’s nasty program or that fake web site can then be opened on the user's computer. If an attacker gets a success in this attack then he/she can be able to get access to the end user's session token, spoof conten t to fool the user or attack the local machine (Kennedy, 2005). In order to mitigate these security attacks, organizations can take following initiatives (Kennedy, 2005): An organization must adopt strict measures to scan all the possible inputs in order that end-user data cannot be translated as scripted content. A variety of data integrity checks should be carried out on data before their distribution to make sure the data are sensible. If it is possible, limit all end-user input to alphanumeric content. Denial of Service Attacks DoS attack (denial of service) can be defined as an event that prevents un-authorized access to the resources or make interruption in those operations that are critical with time factor. Additionally, DoS attack is sometimes called distributed denial-of-service attack  (DDoS attack). This sort of attacks (denial of service attack) may target users in an attempt to stop them from creating links on the network. However these connections may include outgoi ng transmission. In addition, a DoS attack may also target a whole corporation. In this scenario, it can stop incoming traffic or to prevent outgoing traffic towards network related applications. In this way this attack tries best to stop the victim from being usage of network links. Moreover, denial of service attack is straightforward in accomplishment as compared to gaining managerial access to a specific system from distant location. That’s why DoS attack gains popularity on the Internet (Chan et al., 2010) and (Tech-FAQ, 2011). DoS attacks can easily halt our computer machine or our network connection. However, it totally depends on the

Thermodynamics and Heat Power Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Thermodynamics and Heat Power - Assignment Example A small fraction of the flow in the line is diverted through a throttling calorimeter and exhausted to the atmosphere at 14.7 lbf/in2 . The temperature of the exhaust steam is measured as 250 degrees F. determine the quality of the steam in the supply line. Draw a P-v diagram and label the stated on the figure. Also include the critical point and saturation vapor and liquid lines. 5. A pump steadily draws water from a pond at a volumetric flow rate of 0.83m3/min through a pipe having a 12cm diameter inlet. The water is delivered through a hose terminated by a converging nozzle. The nozzle exit has a diameter of 3cm and is located 10m above the pipe inlet. Water enters at 20 degrees C, 1 atm and exits at 30 degrees C and 1 atm. The rate of heat transfer from the pump to the surroundings is -0.21kW. Determine the velocity of the water at the inlet and exit, each in m/s, and the power required by the pump, in

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Reflections on the Environment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Reflections on the Environment - Research Paper Example And, its impacts have far-reaching consequences and possess a possibility to exterminate the biological existence from the planet earth. The author maintains that the global climate change is and will be impacting on the water resources and environment both at the local and regional level, and at the global level as well. This will affect the entire population as well as the magnitude of the droughts, floods will be highly increased; in addition to that, the aggregate sea levels will not remain the same but will rise posing an imminent threat to the coastal cities and areas of world; and, it will require relocation of people living nearby seas. In this regard, I support the view that we need to take certain steps reducing the carbon footprint and other activities spreading pollution and damaging the ecological system. I personally believe that my contribution will not be enough however, that does not mean I should not be doing anything about the ecological system and climate change; but, the steps such as the implementation of going green, meaning encouraging forestation, plantation, responsible living, and maximum efforts must be put in practice towards minimizing the causes that are generating the pollution and exacerbate the problem of the climate change. Entry 3: News Article Source: Mark, Kinver. 2012. â€Å"Accumulating ‘micro-plastic’ threat to shores.† BBC News Science & Environment, January 27. Accessed January 27 2012. Word count: 221 Microscopic plastic debris from the process of washing clothes is amassing in the marine environment and it could be entering into the food chain (Kinver, 2012). The British Broad Casting... The researcher of this essay aims to analyze a lot of environmental challenges. The climate change has become a major issue affecting each and everything living or existing on this planet earth. And, its impacts have far-reaching consequences and possess a possibility to exterminate the biological existence from the planet earth. Microscopic plastic debris from the process of washing clothes is amassing in the marine environment and it could be entering into the food chain. The number of species of animals, microorganisms, plants and the substantial diversity of genes in these species and a variety of ecosystems on this planet such as rainforests, deserts, coral reefs; are aggregately identified as the components of the biologically diverse earth. The biodiversity supplements ecosystem productivity where each species, regardless of its size and structure and role for the diversity, have to play its part in maintaining the smooth functioning of the ecosystems on this planet. Tam Hunt speaks in the favor of the electric vehicles in responding to the article by John Peterson arguing that electric vehicles will take us backward in our efforts reducing the greenhouse gas emissions. In order to support his point of view, Hunt indicates that the mentioned figure in the blog posit ‘low carbon scenario’ of 200 g/CO2 in the aggregate electricity sector; in addition to that, electric vehicles would diminish about half the emissions of hybrid cards.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Employmeny theraghy pf here Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Employmeny theraghy pf here - Research Paper Example According to Sills (2009), a respiratory practitioner, must have a degree in cardiopulmonary respiratory care. Therefore, as student pursing bachelor degree in medicine, specializing in respiratory care, I qualify for the position of a respiratory therapist. Also, having been working with the Agah Khan Hospital as an intern for three months as a nurse I have enough experience for the job. Research Process My research topic would be about respiratory therapy jobs. I would choose it because my interest is to one day work a respiratory therapist. I have decided to choose the topic as my area of study because, we have few respiratory practitioners and the numbers of people that lose life from such diseases are extremely many. This would help in saving peoples life. Factors that I would consider before looking for a job include time factor, my current position, date when I will complete my studies in the university and financial factors. I would check for different job vacancies on respir atory therapy. I would apply for different jobs advertised online in different companies’ websites. I would read more about respiratory practitioners on the websites and exactly what the companies require for recruitment. I would also visit different companies for enquiry about their next job intake. ... I would also consider my qualification and information that will market me to the recruiter. I would consider information about transferable skills from my past job experience and education. Information on how to present myself or first impression as well as how to be myself during the interview is extremely valuable. I would also learn on how to keep my answers positive and even turn the negative situations into learning situations. In consideration of the interview, I would avoid talking negatively about my previous employers. I would consider information about gaps of time out of work and school. Also, being honest, direct and truthful in the process of the interview about a certain situation in my previous job is extremely advantageous. Learn how to be positive about the situation and instead indicate what I learned. Accurate statements about abilities, skills, talents and interests are key information to consider in preparation of my interview. Information, on how to express my emotions non-verbally, body language and posture would be also critical information to consider. During the interview, a would consider the position offered by the company and give a short list on the positions I would like. Out of the ten positions listed, I would request for three positions. According to Chang (1999), the ten possible positions could be neonatal and pediatric intensive care, case management, sleeping disorder specialist, pulmonary research and science, surface and air transport specialist, intensive care, cardiovascular per fusionist, extra-corporeal membrane oxygenation, asthma specialists and cystic fibrosis. Depending on my capability and performance in class as well as interest I

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The role of International Financial Reporting Standards Essay

The role of International Financial Reporting Standards - Essay Example This facet consists of mathematical approach that most of managers do not have insight towards the norm and get scared of the mathematical issue. Other prevailing issue as per the management of numbers is that most of seniors as well as managers are busy that they do not have time give attention as far as the aspect of company data analysis and its interpretation is of more concern (Cunningham and Fiume 10-15). Many companies however, prefer to adapt the issue of numbers management for realizing their level of production. One of the companies that have adopted numbers management is the wall mart companies, one of the largest fashion companies on this world. Senior manager have articulated this norm with saying that their clients usually ask help to make them understand why workload within the company is at increase norm compared from the previous years Wal-Mart have been providing its services. Cumulatively, number management produces a stable, repeatable, and predictable pattern of variation in the output of a process as far as the aspect the aspect of business is taken into consideration. Some of the factors leading to the control of numbers and its management includes; capability of equipments, the level of training given to staff, and the choice and specification of paperwork/materials used in the process. Special Causes arise from time to time, with an unstable and unpredictable pattern. They are however, often within the control of staff or work-teams, for example in setting up and following procedures, using the correct paperwork or information (Cunningham and Fiume 21-25). Wall-mart being one of the outstanding business company worlds has had bad articulation as availed by Johnson. It is realized that in the year 2009 the company practiced manipulation on inventory counts, which is believed that it extended beyond Carmon supervised regions anticipated. As per the research, it showed that wall-mart organization decided to shrink rate of over 400 of their stores around the United States of America country, one of the issue that astonished Johnson, who was an employee and a senior manager by then. At the world of business, competition norm is evitable and that is why a standard practice comes at hand and makes us consider giving shrinkage rate of other stores an attention. Management of number generally affects only minority of people, equipment, procedures, or materials and a control Chart becomes the main tool used in SPC to give a visual representation of process performance based on data collected from the process. SPC helps one to identify any prevailing statistically significant variation that channelizes the aspect of corrective action. The Control Chart provides direction on when to take a concrete action and this in turn avoids the essence of error production. However, it also gives an oversight on when not to take an action and this avoids any possibility of over-adjustment or over-reacting from both the clients as well as employees (Cunningham and Fiume 32-36). Projecting the aspect of wall-mart numbers management, Johnson states that â€Å"It was a standard practice to look at [the shrink rates of] other stores because everyone competes with each other,† Johnson said. â€Å"When you see these overages in there that clearly should be investigated but the regional VP is saying ‘this is exactly what we're looking for,’ or ‘outstanding job,’ it is a point of concern,† Johnson said.  Ã¢â‚¬Å"I think there is an unspoken culture at Wall-mart that a store is allowed to have excessive overages if it makes that store and the company look more profitable.†

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Business, law, and ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Business, law, and ethics - Essay Example For instance, they let the company adopt the sell recommendation which is detrimental to the investors. Instead of playing their watchdog role, the gatekeepers failed to perform this function which led to the collapse of the company. The gatekeepers also failed to detect securities fraud as it took place at Enron. This contributed to the collapse of the company. The euphoria in the market made the gatekeepers less relevant thereby overlooking their work. This compromised their credibility since it resulted in the downfall of the company. Regardless of the market conditions prevailing at an given moment, it is imperative for the gatekeepers to make sure that they perform their expected duties so as to safeguard the investors’ money. Failure to adhere to their stated goals may result in fraud activities being committed by the directors of the organization concerned. This is what happened at Enron since the directors engaged in unethical practices that resulted in the downfall of the company. There is also need for the gatekeepers to preserve their reputational capital so as to ensure that their clients are operating within the expected framework. However, in this case, it can be seen that the gatekeepers’ reputational capital slackened and this resulted in them failing to perform their expected duties. This compromised the performance of the company and it contributed to its downfall. Once the gatekeepers have been reluctant in their operations, they may not be able to detect problems that may impact negatively on the operations of the company. the monitoring function of the gatekeeper is meant to ensure that things such as fraud are not committed by the company executives in their operations. The case of Enron also shows that the gatekeepers did not perform their obligations to monitor the operations of Enron. In order to prevent such a situation from happening again in the future, it is imperative for the gatekeepers to

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Tom Regan and Animal Rights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Tom Regan and Animal Rights - Essay Example There was a time when it was commonly accepted by â€Å"civilized† people that those of non-European descent deserved to be chattel. There was a time when women could be viewed as property. In general, it seems that humanity has over time increased its level of moral sophistication and expanded its moral universe. In particular, there has been a focus on rights-based analysis: People have intrinsic rights, inalienable, and it is always wrong to eclipse them. In the modern era, there are many, such as Regan, who submit that perhaps the next logical evolution in our expanding moral universe is animal rights, treating animals with certain inalienable levels of treatment Regan makes clear that animal rights generally mean just that: Rights that animals have to certain levels of treatment. Like all rights analyses, these arguments are deontological rather than utilitarian or consequentialist. Even if you can get a â€Å"good† outcome for killing a cow or experimenting on a rabbit, it is wrong because it violates some norm that, if the violation were universalized, would cease to exist. Society as a whole might benefit from animal testing, but it is still tortured. A key assumption to this argument is some kind of parallelism between animal and humanity. Virtually no one sheds a tear for the destruction of a rock. If a rock needs to be destroyed for society's good, there is no hand-wringing. The consequentialist analysis is assumed when we are speaking of the purely material world. Thus, animal rights debate center not just on the classic deontological-consequentialist debate, but also on the issues: What is life? If we view life as divine, is that divinity only confined to man? What matters in our moral universe? Is it sentience? If so, how much sentience? Is it the ability to feel pain? If so, to what degree of sensitivity? There are some who argue that animal rights are absolute, that just as a human's free speech can never be violated so can an animal's rights against pain or death never be undermined. Regan contrasts these people with those who view animal rights as something more contingent and fluid (70).

Enzyme catalysis lab Essay Example for Free

Enzyme catalysis lab Essay Enzyme catalysis was observed in order to analyze how changes in temperature, pH, enzyme concentration, and substrate concentration affected an enzyme-catalyzed reaction. This experiment analyzed the rate of enzyme-catalyzed reactions and observed the correlation between catalase activity and products formed. It was found out that the rate of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction starts off rapidly, decreases, and levels off or completely stops, and can be further affected by environmental factors, which play a crucial role in regulating enzymes and metabolic processes. Based on this experiment and the data collected one is able to conclude that the optimal environment in which this specific catalase is able to function is around 40 °C and in a pH around 7. This type of environment allows the enzyme to function at its fullest potential and produce the maximum amount of product allotted by the implemented amount of substrate present without the hindrance of environmental factors. Introduction Background: Enzymes, most of which are proteins, have two interrelated roles. One is to act as catalysts and accelerate spontaneous biochemical reactions so they occur with sufficient rates at moderate temperatures. The other is to determine which spontaneous biochemical reactions will be accelerated out of many more possibilities present in the cell. Balance between all the reactions in metabolism is achieved in several ways, by fluctuations in substrate concentrations, by local differences in pH, by changes in enzyme concentration, and by changes in enzyme activation Purpose: Enzyme activity is influenced by many factors; both temperature and pH at which enzymes functions are extremely important. Most organisms have a preferred temperature and pH range in which they survive, and their enzymes usually function best within very narrow temperature and pH ranges. If the environment of the enzyme is too acidic, basic, or hot, the activity of the enzyme may be altered due to a change in the three-dimensional shape of the enzyme. Denaturation, the unraveling or structural changes of an enzyme, may be temporary or permanent depending on the degree of the environmental change. In either case, a denatured enzyme no longer has the shape necessary to interact with the substrate effectively to lower the activation energy. Hypotheses: 1. The hypothesis is as the temperature increases, above 40 ° C, the activity of the enzyme catalyst will increase. 2. The hypothesis for the enzyme activity with the effect of the pH is if the pH is not at the optimum pH value there will be a complete loss of enzyme activity. 3. The hypothesis is as the change in enzyme concentration increases the activity rate of the enzyme will increase if there is a proportional amount of enzyme concentration and substrate. 4. The hypothesis is as the substrate concentration has an increase so will the reaction of velocity if the amount of enzyme is kept constant. Materials: Materials can be found on page 65 in the Bio 110 lab manual. Procedures are found on pages 65 to 68 in the Bio 110 lab manual. Discussion A. In table 5.1, the data that was collected was calibrating the colorimeter. The results should have been 0.000 or 0.001 no matter how long the machine was ran for. B. In table and graph 5.2, the data collected was in a time frame of 0-5minuites and was recorded every 30 seconds. In the cuvette was distilled water and substrate mix. The data collected showed that the longer the experiment ran for the higher the absorbency rate. C. In table and graph 5.4, the data that was collected was for three different amounts of enzymes:  ½x enzyme, 1x enzyme, and 2x enzyme. The hypothesis for this experiment was the more enzyme the faster the absorbance. With the results from the test the hypothesis is true. The 1/2x enzyme was absorbed less and a lot slower then the 2x enzyme. D. In table and graph 5.6, the data collected was the effect of the amount of substrate effects on the absorbency. The data was collected every 6 seconds for 60 seconds. With  ½x substrate the absorbance was the slowest. At 1x substrate the absorbance was the fast, and at 2x substrate the absorbance was in the middle. E. In table and graph 5.8, the data collected was to see how the effects of temperature played an effect on the absorbency. Ice water (4 °c) the absorbance rate was very slow. Room temperature (22 °c) was the normal rate of absorbance. Body temperature (37 °c) had the highest absorbance rate, and boiling water (100 °c) the protein was denatured giving no results. F. In table and graph 5.10, the data collected was to see how the effect of pH affects the absorbance. With the pH2 no reaction happened because pH2 is not a good match, pH7 had the highest absorbance. Ph10 was denatured, pH5 was absorbed but slowly and, pH8 was also absorbed but was absorbed the slowest. G. In table and graph 5.12 we added an inhibitor to see what the effects would be. With the inhibitor added the absorbance rate slow but did increase. Literature Cited Vital Health, Inc. Introduces a Digestive Enzyme for Children, MyZymes. SFGate. N.p., 23 Oct. 2012. Web. 19 Nov. 2012. Kilbourne, Jennifer, and Laurie Montgomery. Laboratory Investigations for Bio 1110. Second ed. Dubuque: Kendall Hunt, 2011. Print. Relevance Digestive Enzyme for Children Vital Health Inc. has introduced a new vitamin called MyZymes, a chewable digestive enzyme for children. This helps the body gain nutrients from food and plays an essential role in facilitating absorption. They are a highly effective digestive enzyme product because it contains a higher activity level of protease, amylase, lipase, cellulose and also includes six other enzymes. The higher activity levels assists in digesting more proteins, fats, carbohydrates and fiber. Enzymes are one of the most essential elements in our body. Enzymes are energized protein molecules found in all living cells. They catalyze and regulate all biochemical reactions that occur within our body. Enzymes also play a part in digestion. They break down proteins, fats, carbohydrates and fiber making it possible to utilize the nutrients found in those foods while removing the toxins. Digestive enzyme supplements help you digest your meals more efficiently and deliver the nutrients from your food to your body. The supplemental digestive enzymes will break down food, thus saving the body from having to release as many of its own enzymes. This allows the body to devote its attention to supplying more metabolic enzymes so the organs and tissues can carry on their daily work. Enzyme supplements are clinically proven to reduce the effects of bloating, gas, occasional heartburn and occasional acid reflux.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Gwen Harwood Essay Essay Example for Free

Gwen Harwood Essay Essay Opportunities for an individual to develop understanding of themselves stem from the experiences attained on their journey through life. The elements which contribute to life are explored throughout Gwen Harwood’s poems, At Mornington and Mother Who Gave Me Life, where the recollection of various events are presented as influences on the individual’s perception of the continuity of life. Both poems examine the connections between people and death in relation to personal connections with the persona’s father or mother. By encompassing aspects of human nature and life’s journey, Harwood addresses memories and relationships which contribute to one’s awareness of life. Memories and meandering thoughts, related to personal experiences, are explored throughout At Mornington where the persona shifts between the past and present and dreams and reality. This is similar to Father and Child where Barn Owl is set in past test and Nightfall is set in the present, symbolic of appreciation and understanding of the complexities of life which the child learns. At Mornington opens with an evocation of an event from the persona’s childhood which establishes the temporary and ever changing nature of human life. Reflected through the shifts between past and present tense, the persona is attempting to use past experiences in order to appreciate the present and accept the future. The poem provides a reflective and personal point of view accompanied by the recurring motif of water which symbolises the persona’s transition from childhood to the acceptance of the inevitability of death. In the third stanza, the persona refers to a more recent past where she had seen pumpkins growing on a trellis in her friend’s garden. The action of the pumpkins is described as â€Å"a parable of myself† which allows the persona to reflect on the meaning and quality of her own life and existence. The metaphor between the pumpkin vine and the persona suggests that like the pumpkin, human life also ripens and matures before coming to a closure and returning to the earth. Supported by the phrase â€Å"candlelight for eyesight,† the reader is made aware of the transience of life that the persona has grown to accept and understand. In Father and Child, as the persona moves on from childhood, her father becomes elderly and is entertained by simple things in nature, â€Å"birds, flowers, shivery-grass. † These symbols of nature remind the persona of the inconsistency of life and the certainty of death, â€Å"sunset exalts its known symbols of transience,† where sunset represents time. Both poems are indicative of the impermanence of life and that the persona has managed to mature and grow beyond the initial fearlessness of childhood moving onto a sophisticated understanding of death. The connection between life and death is expressed in a different way through Mother Who Gave Me Life, a poem of mourning for the dead. The poem can be seen as a personal farewell to the persona’s mother where the dominant images of the poem show evolution and the passing of time. Father and Child also demonstrates the passing of time as the persona moves from the innocence of childhood to the sadness of her father’s advancing age and inevitable passing. In Mother Who Gave Me Life, the reference to Halley’s Comet, which appears only once every seventy-six years, tells the reader that the mother was unable to see it once more before surrendering to death. The direct speech of the Sister is reported without the use of quotation marks as in, â€Å"When she died she was folding a little towel. † This provides readers with the knowledge that the mother addressed in the poem is dead. Without quotation marks, the flow of the poem is maintained and is therefore more easily absorbed into the texture of the poem. The parallel image of the â€Å"fabric of marvels† being reduced to the â€Å"little towel† raises the notion that whilst death may have brought a physical end to the persona’s mother’s life she remains a marvel of creation as the persona’s memories of her live on. The poem ends with the ‘fine linen’ recalling the memories of a typical childhood scene where the persona’s mother is calling for her to have dinner â€Å"as darkness falls on my father’s house. † This biblical reference to the House of the Lord, combined with the coming of darkness, reminds the reader of the inevitable ending of life and the respective movement into heaven. As the second section of Father and Child draws to a close, it is evident that the persona has grown to understand that she has limited time left with her father. The significance of Nightfall as the title of the second section, when considering the daybreak setting of Barn Owl, reinforces this. Sunrise symbolises youth whilst nightfall, in comparison, suggests an ending which implies death, a concept that the adult persona is beginning to acknowledge it as part of life. A particular instance in life can conjure different memories of the past as in At Mornington where the persona is drawn into recollections of childhood experiences with her father while standing by the graveside of her friend’s parents. A positive image of the father and child relationship is conveyed throughout the poem as in, â€Å"secure in my father’s arms. † This image conveys safety, comfort and protection which assists the persona in moving on and accepting the cycle of life. It is the security which stems from this relationship that enables the persona to mature from the perceptions and thoughts maintained as a child. Insight into the relationship between the persona, as both child and adult, with her father is also demonstrated in Father and Child. The dominance of the father is suggested through his imperative tone, â€Å"End what you have begun. † Despite the power-play in their relationship, there is still a sense of closeness, â€Å"I leaned my head upon my father’s arms. † This connection has enabled the persona to mature and grow through experiences. This personal relationship is also evident in Mother Who Gave Me Life where the imagery of light shows the persona realises the importance of her mother as she walks â€Å"in the light of the living. † This suggests that the persona is able to walk amongst the living due to her mother. The affirming experiences and enlightenment provided by this relationship enables the persona to see the life-giving role of women as part of the cycle of life. All the poems comment on an individual’s relationship with their mother or father which is essential in maturing and evolving as an individual. The relationships conveyed enable the persona to gain an understanding of life whilst considering its value and accepting its cycle. Ultimately, the exploration of memory and relationships with the persona and their father or mother enables an individual to comprehend human nature and the links between life and death. Throughout the poems At Mornington and Mother Who Gave Me Life, Harwood shows the reader, through memories and comparisons, different aspects of life which contribute to what it means to be human.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Comparison of Social Media Use in Different Countries

Comparison of Social Media Use in Different Countries Evolution and history of social media: Social media could be depicted as types of electronic interchanges (Web sites for social systems administration and blogging) through which clients make online groups to impart data, plans, particular messages, and other substance (as features). The same source characterizes organizing as the trade of data or administrations around people, aggregations, or foundations; particularly: the growth of profitable connections for job or business. (Edosomwan Seymour, 2011) There are numerous thoughts regarding the first event of social media. All around much of mankinds history, people created innovations that make it less demanding for him to correspond with one another. In the late 1800s, the radio and phone were utilized for social connection, though restricted with the radio (Rimskii, 2011) Social networks have developed through the years to the present day assortment which utilizes advanced media. Be that as it may, the social media isnt that new. Furthermore, it didnt begin with the workstation yet rather the phone. Throughout the 1950s, telephone phreaking, the term utilized for the rebel seeking of the phone system, started. This methodology was achieved through the utilization of custom made electronic gadgets that encouraged unapproved access to the phone framework to make free calls. Phreaks could discover phone organization test lines and gathering circuits to finish their assignment. Brett Borders expressed phreaks could hack into corporate unused voice post boxes to have the first websites and podcasts (Borders, 2009) The public, During the 1960s, saw the advent of email (Borders, 2009). Nonetheless, the web was not accessible to general society until 1991. Email was initially a system to trade messages starting with one PC then onto the next; however both Pcs were obliged to be on the web. Today, email servers will acknowledge and store messages which permit beneficiaries to get to the email whenever it seems best. In 1969, ARPANET, made by Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), a U.S. government organization, was created. ARPANET was an early system of time-imparting machines that shaped the support of the web. CompuServe, the third improvement of the 1960s, was likewise made in 1969 with a mission to give time-offering administrations by leasing time on its Pcs. With high charges, this administration was excessively unreasonable for some (Rimskii, 2011) (Ritholz) Computer Technologies Social media was further created throughout the 1970s. MUD, initially known as Multi-User Dungeon, Multi-User Dimension, or Multi-User Domain, was a constant virtual world with pretending recreations, intelligent fiction, and online talk. MUD is basically content based which obliges clients to sort summons utilizing a common dialect. BBS was made in 1978, that year as MUD. BBS is an equivalent word for release board framework. Clients log into the framework to transfer and download programming, read news, or trade messages with others. In the early years, release loads up were gotten to through a modem through a phone line by one man at once. At an early stage, notice sheets finished not have colour or design. Release sheets were the antecedents of the World Wide Web. Imagined in 1979 and secured in 1980, the Usenet is like a BBS. Usenet is a framework to post articles or news. The contrast from a BBS is that Usenet does not have a focal server or dedicated overseer messages are sent to different servers by means of news sustains (Ritholz) Numerous social networking sites were made in the 1990s. A few illustrations incorporate Sixdegrees, Blackplanet, Asian Avenue, and Moveon. These are, or have been, online corner social locales where individuals can connect, including destinations for open approach promotion and a social system dependent upon a web of contacts model. Likewise, blogging administrations, for example, Blogger and Epinions were made. Epinions is a site where buyers can read or make audits of items. Thirdvoice and Napster were two product provisions made in the 90s that have since been evacuated from the business sector. Thirdvoice was a free module that permitted clients to post remarks on pages. Adversaries of the product contended that remarks were frequently obscene or offensive. Napster was a product provision that permitted shared record offering. Clients were permitted to impart music documents bypassing ordinary dispersion techniques, which at last was dead set to be a violation of copyright laws (Edosomwan Seymour, 2011) In 2000 social media accepted an incredible support with the seeing of numerous social networking sites springing up. This exceedingly supported and converted the cooperation of people and associations who offer basic enthusiasm toward music, training, films, and fellowship, taking into account social networking. Around those that were propelled included LunarStorm, six degrees, cyworld, ryze, and Wikipedia. In 2001, fotolog, sky online journal and Friendster were propelled, and in 2003, MySpace, LinkedIn, last FM,, Hi5 and so forth. In 2004, prominent names like Facebook Harvard, Dogster and Mixi developed. Throughout 2005, enormous names like Yahoo!360, YouTube, cyword, and Black planet all developed (Junco, R, Heibergert, G, Loken, E, 2011) Facebook Facebook is a social networking website propelled in February 2004, and it is secretly worked by Facebook, Inc. Facebook was established by Mark ZuckerBerg and others when he was an understudy at Harvard; however when the site was at first propelled, it was limited to Harvard people just. Later the benefit was reached out to secondary school people and later to everybody that is 13 years or more established (Boyd, 2007). Starting July 2010, Facebook has more than 500 million dynamic clients. In January 2009, Facebook was positioned as the most utilized social system around the world. Additionally, in May 2010, Google advertised that more individuals went to Facebook than whatever possible website on the planet. It announces that this was uncovered from discoveries on 1,000 sites over the world (TIMES, 2010). Clients may make an individual profile; include different clients as companions, and trade messages, including programmed warnings, photographs and remarks when they overhaul their profile. Furthermore, Facebook clients may join basic investment client aggregations, composed by work environment, school, school, or different aspects. Facebook permits any individual who is no less than 13 years of age to turn into an enrolled client of the website. Once a day, activity to Facebook system is on the ascent. Facebook likewise turned into the top social system over eight unique markets in Asia, Philippines, Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, New Zealand, Hong Kong and Vietnam. On October 24, 2007, Microsoft reported that it had acquired a 1.6% offer of Facebook for $240 million, giving Facebook an aggregate intimated worth of around $15 billion. Microsofts buy included rights to place global ads on Facebook; different organizations have similarly stuck to this same pattern (STONE, 2007) The overall status of Facebook Egypt: With 16 million clients, Egypt is positioned first around the Arab locale nations that utilization Facebook, and seventeenth worldwide regarding crowd size, as stated by an as of late issued report. This speaks to 1.4% of worldwide Facebook clients (DailyNews Egypt, 2013 ). As stated by the e-marketing Egypt Online Competitiveness Intelligence report, Egypts Facebook group saw something like 41% development contrasted with a year ago, the amount of clients in 21 July 2012 being 11.3 million. This implies that the current number of clients is 18.84% of Egypts populace. Starting 21 July 2013, there are 61 million Facebook clients in the Arab world, 26% them are Egyptian. The report read: 48.11% of web clients in Egypt are Facebook clients. The report, distributed in August 2013, expressed that 12 million of Egyptian Facebook clients are underneath 30 years of age. The sex dispersion Facebook clients in Egypt has demonstrated that female clients are of much more youthful ages, with females under 30 years of age speaking to 81% of aggregate female clients in Egypt. The amount of male clients is something like 10 million, speaking to about 63% of aggregate clients (DailyNews Egypt, 2013 ). Hong Kong: Another review has uncovered that Hong kongers are investing more of a chance perusing and composing online journals, and on social media sites, for example, Facebook and YouTube, than different markets around the globe, including the US. Whether over a home broadband administration or a cell phone Hong kongers are investing an expanding measure of time viewing feature, gaming, shopping and offering on the web (Ketchum, 2011) On a week by week groundwork, 77% of Hong kongers studied were perusing websites, 52% were composing websites and 92% were locked in on Facebook demonstrating a fundamentally more elevated amount of online cooperation than different markets studied around the globe. Social media is assuming a part in tending to tests to work-life adjust in Hong Kong a spot well known for its buckle down play hard lifestyle. 68% of those overviewed invest the same or more of an opportunity with companions online than they do in individual. Social networking sites are likewise as powerful on acquiring choices as universal media. Half of respondents had made a buy dependent upon web journal suggestions (Ketchum, 2011). India: The report gauges 243 million web clients in the nation by June 2014, overwhelming the US as the worlds second biggest web base after China (Times of India, 2013). Indians principally utilize the web for correspondence, generally as email; social media is likewise a vital driver of web use in India. This aspect of the IMAI report might be authenticated with information from different sources, for example, Facebook, as stated by which India had 82 million month to month dynamic clients by June 30, 2013, the second biggest land district for Facebook after the US and Canada. Facebook does not work in China. Web infiltration in India is determined to a great extent by cell telephones, with a portion of the least expensive and most essential hand-sets today offering access to the web. India has 110 million portable web clients of which 25 million are in rustic India. The development of web infiltration in provincial India is determined to a great extent by the cellular telephone; 70% of country Indias animated web populace get to the web by means of cell telephones (Times of India, 2013) Ukraine: Overall status of Facebook in Ukraine can be judged from the protests happened throughout in Ukraine. The principal eminent pattern is that Facebook is, no doubt utilized considerably more eagerly than Twitter. The authority EuroMaidan Facebook page, began on Nov. 21, now has in excess of 126,000 preferences. Very nearly the sum of the data on this page is in Ukrainian, proposing that the data is outfitted to locals instead of the universal group, and there is confirmation of vibrant association. A gander at the most prevalent Facebook posts on this page affirm this instinct: numerous posts give news redesigns that create serious dialogs; however the page is additionally used to give paramount logistical data to protestors. There are, for instance, posts with maps of spots to get free tea and access to warm spaces, exhortation on the best way to abstain from being incited by government executors, flyers to print and disseminate around the city, and also data on where dissidents will be assembling (Barbera Metzger, 2013). Strategy for Facebook going forward Considering the above situations in selected countries it can be concluded that Facebook is very famous and its user are increasing day by day. By looking into the situation of Egypt and Ukraine, it can be noticed that Facebook played a vital role in revolutions and movements. Strategy for these two countries should be made very carefully, so that Facebook Inc. may not get involved in any political matter. However strategy for India and Hong Kong may be the same. In both countries this social website is providing services for business and social need in positive way. All these countries are very populated and number of users is large so Facebook can make a handsome profit by ad displaying business. Its strategy for mobile users is a real issue for Facebook. Large number of users is due to mobile and internet facility on mobiles, but problem is format of display is different in different mobiles hence there is problem in ad displaying (Cho, 2013 ).

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Marijuana Should Be Legal :: Argument for Medical Marijuana

The purpose of this paper is to illustrate the importance of marijuana as a medicine and to propose a possible change in the federal laws prohibiting the medical use of marijuana. At the present time, thirty-four states ha ve laws that recognize the medical properties of marijuana and allow for its use when prescribed by a doctor. In fact, USA Today polls have shown that there is anywhere from 65% to 78% voter support for marijuana's medicinal use. (1) However, these laws cannot be implemented until there is a change in the federal laws. So why have these federal laws not been changed? First, there is a great misunderstanding of marijuana. There is also a significant lack of funding for marijuana research which could p rove its efficacy as a therapeutic drug. With proper funding, studies could help people understand marijuana so the long awaited and needed change can take place. Background Information on Marijuana What is Marijuana? Marijuana comes from the dried leaves and buds of the cannabis plant. (7) Although there are three varieties of the cannabis plant, cannabis sativa (the least potent of the three) is the most common form of the plant and is the mai n source of marijuana in the United States. Marijuana contains over 400 chemicals, although less than 100 are considered psychoactive. (7) Sixty-one of the chemicals found in marijuana are of the cannabinoid family and are only found in cannabis plants. The main active ingredient in marijuana is the cannabinoid delta-9 tetrahydrocannibinol, or THC. (7) THC has been shown to have many effects such as slowed reactions, increased appetite, released inhibitions, and impaired judgments and motor skills. M any of these effects are similar to the effects of alcohol, except that while alcohol causes a short temper and a propensity towards violence, marijuana does exactly the opposite. Marijuana induces a mellow state of relaxation. History of Marijuana as Medicine Marijuana has been used for thousands of years for its therapeutic value. The first known reference to the medical use of marijuana is contained in the 15th century BC Chinese Pharmacopoeia , the Ry-Ya. While there have been m any other reports on the value of medical marijuana throughout written history, the most noteworthy are the articles contained in many 18th century U.S. medical journals. Between 1840 and 1900, over 100 articles were published detailing the th erapeutic benefits and the safety of the drug. In fact, the federal government has used many references to these articles in health reports.

General Motors Inc. Essay -- Business, Entrepreneurship, Innovation

General Motors incorporates entrepreneurship and innovation into its business objectives. This is evident in General Motors Vision statement which states that its goal is to â€Å"lead in advanced technologies and quality by creating the world’s best vehicles†. (1) For instance General Motors has an extensive R & D, Design, and Engineering department that oversees the creativity, innovation, and invention of its strategic technologies and innovation programs which are aligned with its corporate vision. In order to lead in advanced technologies of the world’s best vehicles General Motors incorporates entrepreneurship and innovation concepts, which are essential to competing in the global market place.(2) In the spirit of entrepreneurship, which is the process of discovering new ways of combining resources,(5) General Motors is a majority shareholder in GM Daewoo Auto & Technology Company of South Korea, and has product, powertrain and purchasing collaborations wit h Suzuki Motor Corporation in Japan.(3) These associations allow General Motors to maneuver into specific customer markets and broaden its product base. Being an innovative organization also requires General Motors to establish advanced technology collaborations, which it has with Daimler AG and BMW AG of Germany and Toyota Motor Corp. of Japan (3) as well as promoting competitiveness and deferring the cost of the research and development. (2) One example of innovation, which is the process of devising a new idea or thing, or improving an existing idea (5), is the two-mode hybrid system being used today on GM’s hybrid pickups and SUV’s. This was a result of the partnership between BMW and GM in which both manufacturers benefited. BMW benefited from GM’s battery, extended ran... ...nd meet their quality targets. Your most important customer will be able to pick and choose any type of options that they want on their Cruze, when they want it. Competition – Our scissor lifts were bought in a package deal for our paint shop and three others. Not installing this new lock retaining nut will leave us susceptible to thousands of units being lost along with idling hundreds of people. Not to mention the increase in the cost per vehicle because we did not meet or production targets. In conclusion, innovation and the need for it will never diminish no matter how big or small. For me, my company, and my country innovation is the key to our success and our very existence. With that being said, you better not have a great idea and have no one to sell it to. The customer will always be first, second, and third for that matter, if we are to succeed.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Protection from Punishment Essay -- Government, Separation of Powers,

During the early stages of the creation of a government, it is common to witness a heavy debate over ways to both restrict the power of the government from becoming a tyranny and protect the rights of individual citizens. Founders often realize that individual citizens, if not protected somehow, would be powerless to prevent against such a government if it became corrupt. Therefore, in the creation of the American and British governments, those worried about these possibilities suggested separations of power and individual rights to be included in the documents that form the government. This debate was extremely controversial in the formation of the American government, and created a rift that, if not resolved, could have torn apart the country. Understanding this possibility, the Federalists of America agreed to hear out the proposals of the Anti-Federalists during the ratification debates of 1789 through 1791. This Bill of Rights emphasized individual rights that would protect powe rless citizens from possible tyranny of the federal government, both physical and abstract. One of the amendments proposed by James Madison, and subsequently ratified, was that â€Å"Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.† This amendment was eventually grouped into the ten amendments of the Bill of Rights, and is now known simply as the Eighth Amendment. Though this seems to be a rather straightforward law, below the surface one can see the history of struggle it was derived from, the fight that ensued over its incorporation, and how even the terms it uses have greatly affected its interpretation since December 15, 1791. As America was created almost as a child of the British Empire,... ...† (Levy 238). This is very symbolic of the American nature of law in general, as the American ideal is to create a country of responsible citizens, not just to lock them away. The Eighth Amendment’s history, through the tortures of scores of people to the debates over its inception, is filled with examples that define the history of American government. Though not the most discussed amendment during the revolutionary stage, the Eighth Amendment is quite possibly the most controversial article of the Bill of Rights in today’s society, as the question of punishment, specifically the death penalty, is constantly under debate. It is fascinating to study how, even at a time of such confusion and chaos, founders such as Madison and Henry were able to create an amendment that would retain the rights of citizens in a constantly progressing society for centuries to come.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

African Transformation from 1865-1920

The Progression of African Americans from 1865 to 1920 America has changed, as a whole, throughout this time period. There have been many different presidents, elections, wars and other world issues. These factors contribute to the drastic change in America and to the American people. African Americans have gone through many different changes other than those of the other races. With the end of the Civil War, African Americans went through a lot of change with the end of slavery.Throughout this essay I will explain the legislature, economic, philosophies, leaders, movement of people and other factors that contributed to the drastic change of the African American people between 1865 to 1920. In 1865 Reconstruction stared after the end of the civil war. Even though President Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, Slavery did not officially end until congress passed the 13th Amendment, which outlawed slavery. Freedmen were no allowed to be citizens until 1868 when congress passed the 14th amendment.The 14th amendment also allowed blacks the right to equal protection under the law. The first Supreme Court Interpretation of the 14th amendment was in the Slaughterhouse Case. This case extended the 14th amendment to all citizens. Even with the end of slavery and the right to citizenship, African Americans still didn’t have an easy life. With the end of slavery African Americans faced the issue of not being able to vote or in some not being allowed to own land.The Black codes, which laws were passed by state legislatures to suppress blacks and put them is form of slavery that was legal at the time. To fix the problem of blacks not being able to vote, congress passed the 15th amendment, which made it legal for blacks to vote. Even with the right to vote blacks were suppressed by and scared out of voting be the Klu Klux Klan which used tactics such a lynchings to scare blacks of voting. Ida B. Wells was a black journalist who exposed lynchings in the U. S.L iteracy test and poll taxes were also tactics used by white surprimisist to get blacks not to vote. Even with black codes and the KKK, this time period of Reconstruction was still a successful time for freedmen. They had three amendments passed in that addressed a few of the problems they faced. The blacks had come a long way from the end of the Civil War; they had gotten a lot of rights. Although they got many rights now they were at a large disadvantage to the whites. Blacks could not go to school because they had work or even were not allowed to go.Because of this disadvantage blacks could not get the same jobs as whites because they did not have the same education. There were two main leader of the movement to get blacks better education and jobs, but the two of them had completely different views of how to get what they wanted. The first was Booker T. Washington, who believed that blacks should not push for what they wanted and that they should prove their selves to get the sam e education and jobs as whites, this is also called gradualism. African Americans disliked this because they thought that their equalization was being put off.He believed that they should not rock the â€Å"Racial Boat†. The Second was W. E. B Dubois, who believed the exact opposite of Washington. He believed that the blacks could force the whites to give them what they wanted. He also believed that they should not what for the whites to give it to them he thought that blacks should push and force them to give it to them. Dubois also published the book of essays called The Souls of the Black Folks (1903). The blacks also ran out of labor in the South and choose to migrate to the North were there was an abundance of jobs.This sudden movement of blacks from the South to the North started the Great Black Migration. This era after reconstruction was a very successful time for freedmen and brought about great change not only in the lives of African Americans but also in the lives of all Americans. After slaves were free the US tried to start the Back to Africa Movement. This movement was brought about to try to get freedmen with African decent to go back to Africa and their homeland. For blacks that did not want to return to Africa there were very few options for them if they choose to stay.The first main problem was should they stay in the South or go somewhere else to find shelter and a job. The next problem was to find a job. To replace the slaves plantation owner implemented share cropping. Share cropping was a form of paid slavery that gave the families that choose to work on the plantation as share croppers a plot of land to farm and a place to live. The share croppers would give a large portion of what they had farmed to the owner of the land and they would get to keep a small amount of what they had harvested for themselves to live off of.For those who had joined the Union army during the Civil War, they had to try to get what they were promised whic h was forty acres of land and a mule to plow it. Though promise was rarely met this was an option for some freedmen who choose to stay in the U. S. To help freedmen get what they needed such a job, food, or education the Freedmen’s Bureau was started. This bureau was started to help get recently freed slaves on their feet after the Civil War. Former slaves had a hard time finding jobs but they did it anyway.During reconstruction the Southern Democrats wanted to get rid of the collation of Republicans that controlled the post war south. The Bourbon Democrats that want to oust this collation of freedmen, carpetbaggers, and scalawags were known as Redeemers. These Redeemers did not get their way until reconstruction ended in 1877. With the end of reconstruction man freedmen were scare by the rumor of the reinstitution of slavery and the fact that the leaders of the old south were back in control meant that discrimination would run rampant.With this in mind they fled to the north and west most settling in Kansas. These freedmen who fled were known as exodusters. The Democratic Party regained the political power of the South. This total political power of the Democratic Party was known as the Solid South. During the time period of the Solid South, blacks were greatly discriminated upon. Freedmen who held office during reconstruction were stripped of their political position. To suppress blacks, white surprimisist implemented Jim Crow laws.Jim Crow laws were a set of laws passed by state legislatures in witch in some cases pulled the African Americans Right to vote. The term Jim Crow comes from a show that was put on to show a stereotypical black. In this show whites would wear black and pain themselves and then act as they thought blacks were. They would act stupid and show the idea that blacks were not equal to whites. In most states a grandfather clause was put into the state constitution which stated that if your grandfather had voted before the civil war than you could vote even if you were illiterate.This clause was meant to keep blacks who could not pass the literacy test from voting and allowed for the whites who failed the literacy test a way to vote. Under the Jim Crow laws the thought of â€Å"Separate but Equal†. This basically meant that as long as the state gave blacks the same conditions as whites it was ok to segregate them. The first major time the idea of â€Å"Separate but Equal† was challenged was in the case of Plessey vs. Fergusion (1896). In this case Homer Plessey was accused of sitting in the whites’ only car of the East Louisiana Railroad y and refused to leave.Plessey was seven eighths white and one eighth black, an octoroon. Even though he was just on eighth African American he was still consider black by Louisiana law and thus required to sit in the colored car of the train. The courts stated that Louisiana could not regulate railroad that went between two or more states but that they co uld regulate railroads that were only within the state. Both the state and federal Supreme Courts ruled against Plessey. It was not until the ca of Brown vs. Board of Education (1954) the â€Å"Separate but Equal† would no longer be the law of the land.During this time of Separate but Equal the type of segregation that took place was de jure segregation which meant to be segregated by law. This differs from today in that even though the law does not permit segregation in still happens by custom which is de facto segregation. W. E. B. Dubois organized a group that meet on the Canadian side of Niagara Falls. Because they meet at Niagara Falls they came to be known as the Niagara Movement (1903). They meet to discuses to problems facing blacks on a political and social level. They also discussed ways to fix the problems that faced the blacks.This movement was made of only blacks. The Niagara Movement led to the creation of the NAACP, which was made up of both blacks and whites a nd also fought for the solutions to problems facing blacks and whites on a political and social level. The Niagara Movement was thought to be more radical than that of the NAACP. Booker T. Washington; the president of the Tuskegee Institute, the first all black collage; was the architect of the Atlanta Compromise which stated that blacks would work week in and week out and summit to white political rule in exchange for basic education and due process.W. E. B Dubois used the term the Talented Tenth to show the 1 out of 10 blacks who will rise to be a leader of his or her race. He argued that blacks needed a more classical education rather than a vocational or industrial education. Marcus Garvey was a Jamaican political leader that founded the Universal Negro Improvement Association, African Community League, and the Black Star Steamship Line. The Black Star Steamship Line was shipping line that was supposed to facilitate the transportation of goods and eventually African Americans th roughout the African global economy.The Black Star Steamship Line derived its name from the white star line which was a key factor to the success of the back to Africa movement. Garvey thought he could simulate the success of the White Star Line. The Universal Negro Improvement Association founded the newspaper Negro World which had a front page editorial from Garvey and poetry and articles of international interest of people of African Ancestor. These men and there association were civil rights leaders that shaped the African American world.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

About Me

My culture, Hinduism, and race, Indian, hold back been the most influential characteristics in my life. These both characteristics combined in any case influence my some other characteristics such as my age and sex. In America, my age restricts me from doing some things only if sexual climax from a Hindu background brings me galore(postnominal) an(prenominal) much responsibilities along with my age. My sex prohibits me from achieving many life goals that other multitude would ease up no problem achieving. My ethnicity and culture retain had a very big contact on my social life.Learning that I was different from others was an experience that I go forth remember for the rest of my life. I learned about one of my dominant characteristics in the second grade. One day in class, St crimson Vogel cut out little passing dots for me because I did non already gull one on my forehead. He also howled akin an American Indian and did a rain dance for me. That day, I accomplish ed that I was different and I would stool to live with it for the rest of my life. I lived in a southern town of Florida nuzzle the border of Alabama where many people were not open to other races so I would take a leak to get apply to the taunting.At that time, I realized that I am Indian. Growing up, everyone wants to be in the in-group. Being an Indian Hindu girl, I was told not to go out. I was not allowed to go to football games, school dances, or any other after-school functions. No matter how much we want to be in the popular group in high school, most Indian children give out in the group between the in-group and the nerds. Hindu p arents usually do not permit their children go out because they believe their children testament be corrupted.For example, I really treasured to go to my senior prom, alone I was not allowed to. I was not even allowed to get a job like a normal teenager. This summer I asked my parents if I could so that I could write up for college. My f ather did not let me get a job because I had to stay home to learn how to cook. Females lay down very little advantages in my culture. We are not allowed to be too educated. If a woman is too educated, she is basically considered to be no good, modern, too independent and an inciter of family problems after marriage.The belief that girls should not be allowed as much freedom and independency as men hinders other women, from achieving many of our life goals and me. With age I have many responsibilities and restrictions. Most of my restrictions come from brio in America. I am not yet allowed to vote. I am not given many job opportunities I went to the mall a week agone to find a job but most of the stores require their employees to be eighteen. other restriction that my ethnicity, along with age and sex, brings is marriage.A good Indian girl is industrious by the age of twenty-one or twenty-two. I am only seventeen years old, but I am expected to know how to cook and calorie-fre e because this is the prime age when the adult matchmakers go along me. I expect my life in the future to include being a housewife. I approve of the concept of housewives, but I would like to be more educated. The times have slowly been ever-changing. I am a first multiplication Indian-American and I have more prerogatives than my parents did. Because of the changing times, I may be qualified to fulfill my dreams of becoming a doctor.The regular Indian, Hindu family instills the importance of respect and morals into their children. I have learned to esteem all of the set that my parents have taught me objet dart growing up. This is a big privilege because when I look out in the world, I see families who apprise their children to abominate or do not teach their children the significance of respect. I was taught also to peculiarly respect my teachers. Many people, however, do not have that same respect. I am proud that I have had the jeopardy to learn and grow up with th e values and principles that are taught by Hinduism.

Goals of Linguistic Essay

Goals of Linguistic Essay

Mr. 1. Introduction 1. 1.If youre writing a career goals essay, keep reading to learn how.* mad Clean deduction is only possible in the logical disciplines. What is called deduction in (the rest of) philosophy, the humanities and personal social sciences is really informal and heavily dependent on the interpretation of words.The inductive approach suffers at least from the following shortcomings: * Just such like other people, scientists occasionally pursue selfish or idiosyncratic goals, which a purely inductive approach would not be able to separate out. * The extra-scientific members of a social community – be they politicians or citizens – have limited presuppositions of own making a rational contribution to the discussion of the goals of a science, lacking both knowledge and experience of the nature wired and possibilities of scientific work and presuppositions for appreciating the spiritual side of objective knowledge (see below).Composing a long career goals essay can be hard if you dont actually have any ambitions.

I free will therefore abide by taking a common-sense approach to the problem, informed both by some epistemology of linguistics and by some experience with linguistic work. 1. 2. Fundamentals Like any human activity, linguistics has a place in a teleonomic hierarchy (see teleonomische Hierarchie) which is headed by its ultimate goals.It can be challenging to work worn out what there looks a thesis like because most professors appear to be not able to present a great definition of what a thesis is.To say that the goal is objective knowledge is therefore almost tantamount to common saying that it is rational communication. This rephrasing also serves the purpose of avoiding a static conception of ‘objective knowledge’. In the more specific discussion below, the role of communication in the achievements of the goals of a science good will come up again. Understanding has two sides, a spiritual and a practical one.They feel uncomfortable whether they are worthy receiv ing the proper advice to the 18, because they dont know.

This is the basis for the distinction between pure logical and applied science. Linguistics is the study of human language.Understanding this object has a purely spiritual aspect, which constitutes what might be called â€Å"pure linguistics† and what is more commonly called general linguistics. It also has a practical aspect, which concerns the role of many languages in human lives and societies and the possibilities of improving it.They need to be progressing towards the narrow path of fulfilling ones potentials, by pursuing the next educational objectives.Here we will focus on the tasks of linguistics as an empirical discipline. good For such a discipline, the main tasks are: 1. elaboration of a theory of its object 2. documentation and brief description of its object 3.Its essential for me to find a good education.

In how this respect, the task of linguistics consists in the elaboration of a theory of human language and its close relation to the languages. Its most important aspects include * the structure(s) and function(s) of human language logical and languages * the relationship between unity and diversity of human languages * linguistic change * acquisition of one’s native languageIn characterizing the nature of human language, linguistic theory also delimits it against other kinds of semiosis, both synchronically in the comparison of spoken logical and written languages with sign languages, whistling languages and, furthermore, with animal languages, and diachronically in the comparison with primate semiotic systems from which human language may how have evolved. 3. Empiry: documentation and description of languages As recalled above, linguistics is (among other things) an empirical science.Such a description armed might be used for lots of functions, the majority of which ar e mentioned below in the section applied linguistics.language description: 1. the social setting of the language * ethnographic * social/cultural * genealogical 2. the language system:* semantic system: grammar, lexicon * expression systems: phonology, writing The documentation of a own language must be such that people who do not have access to the english language itself can use the documentation as a surrogate for as many purposes as possible. In particular, it should be possible to develop a description of a language on the basis of its documentation.Language many plays a part in personal identity.

That is, in the synchronic perspective, they are systematic, while in the diachronic perspective, they are historical. 4. Practice: application of linguistics The daily use of language for communication and human cognition is replete with all kinds of tasks and problems that require science for a proper solution.Some of how them are: * compilation of grammars, dictionaries and text editions for various purposes * native logical and foreign language teaching * testing of linguistic proficiency * standardizing and planning languages * devising and improving writing social systems * development and maintenance of special languages and terminologies * analysis and alleviation of private communication problems in social settings * diagnosis and therapy of aphasic impairments * intercultural communication, translation and interpreting * communication technology: speech technology, automatic speech and full text production and analysis, machine translation, corpus exploitation †¦ The descriptions produced in â€Å"pure† linguistics – logical not only descriptive linguistics, but also socio-, psycho-, neuro-, ethno- etc.Many languages have never been so lucky.* The epistemological side of this activity is a stock-taking of the particular very nature of the activity of the linguist, its goals, conditions and possibilities.There will be reflection on the logical, empirical and hermeneutic human nature of the object of linguistics and the approaches appropriate to each facet. * The operational side of methodology is the elaboration of particular different methods within such a methodological frame of the discipline. Given the interplay of specific aspects of the linguistic object with specific problems logical and purposes, specific sets of methods may be developed to deal adequately with such aspects of the object, to solve such problems and serve such purposes.Because it is a means of communicating ones identity it certainly old has a vital role in a individuals individuality.

Cooperation: interdisciplinary fertilization.The articulation of science into disciplines is, first of all, a necessity of the division of labor. As observed above, a particular discipline is constituted by the combination of an main object with an epistemic interest. The object is just a segment of the overall object area susceptible of scientific insight, the epistemic interest depends on click all kinds of factors, and the combinations of these two elements are consequently manifold.Possessing a different language is a step and a own benefit forward.where the interfaces for the combination of related theories are. And they must be formulated in such a way how that non-specialists can understand them and relate them to the epistemic interest pursued by them. Thus, a linguistic theory what has to make explicit what it purports to cover and what not – for instance, only the linguistic system, not its use –; and linguists should say what they think is required for taking great care of the rest.Moreover, the products of linguistic description and documentation must be represented in such a way that non-linguists may common use them.Thesis statements arent simple to write.

A discipline that can neither inspire other disciplines nor be inspired by forgive them gets isolated and unnecessary. 7. Conclusion Above, five areas of goals of linguistics have been identified: 1.Theory: the nature of only human language 2.Decisions are constructed upon conclusions.Goal #1, the elaboration of a theory of its object, is the highest goal of any science. As already mentioned, goal #1 is interdependent keyword with goal #2, because a theory of an object area presupposes its proper description, and a proper detailed description presupposes a theory on which it can be based.Furthermore, the production of documentations and descriptions is a service to the society. This is even more true of goal #3: The solution of daily-life tasks and problems is a practical contribution to the improvement of the conditio humana.Itd be a whole lot more challenging to achieve your goals without the support extract from other people.

Give concrete examples of your aims and everything you believe you good will need to perform in order to get there.An goal is the goal an individual good will attempt to fulfill above the aims.If it regards objectives I also have made my own mind up.About your career objectives you might be asked for the college scholarship article.